Banking On Armageddon: Truth Is Unprofitable - Part 2
While many would argue that Truth is purely subjective, here is a truth that is invariable thus objective: Truth is unprofitable because myths and deceptions are exposed all of which makes exploitation and coercion look futile.This is also not without a reason that Alexander Solzhenitsyn once said “Violence does not and cannot exist by itself; it is invariably intertwined with the lie." This quote does not only apply to physical confrontations but every problem we encounter. When something undesirable occurs, we'd systematically wonder: this may very well be about a lie or a cherished delusion we have told to ourselves."The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." -- Marcus Aurelius
The subject in this particular case and which that needs to be debated once and for all is the debasement Of Nature. Nature does not forgive failures. A cellular breakdown can also cause death and on a philosophical level the failure to address slavery wherever it is located leads to a lack of faith in Man. The lack of faith is the underlying consequence of replacing unawareness and neglecting one’s sense of responsibility by denial and its restless search for scapegoats. And as we all know denial seriously blurs the way we perceive TBP - the big picture - which is inescapable no matter what.
Furthermore denial also affects our control over little things; ideally when we’re able to think straight the micro and macro end up merging and consequently sustain the view of a broader picture. Only a Fountain of Youth - infinite life spans - could help us decipher the Universe; or unless one is Buddha’s reincarnation, 75 years are just too short to get to the existential bottom line. Nature’s debasement also consists in making the masses believe that a hierarchical structure can prevent humanity from being thrown into chaos. It is not so surprising if People often visualize The Eden as The Kingdom Of Liberty but spend more time to picture our planet as a living Hell.
Truth to be told, free will and freedom will forever inspire the worst fears because they cannot be commanded. The dilemma in a nutshell: based on such a state of mind, freedom must be fundamentally evil... mustn't it?Alas the human mind is not tailored nor predisposed to make certain deductions naturally: Man must learn and doing so requires an open mind, a sense of individualism and critical thinking as well. Even though Truth is invariable and constant in a not so distant future, perceptions of the Truth will have changed whatsoever.
Nobody finds being proven wrong exciting. It is however intriguing to see how so many seem to be convinced about the accuracy of their knowledge. From an early childhood we are taught that this is how the “model” has always functioned and have been persuaded that its structure is unalterable, along with some Powers That Be – PTB – in the background and who supposedly take care of our welfare.
Yes our welfare, while a quick reality check tells us that the PTB have always had one and sole vision: the Empire and if history is any indication, the empire syndrome has plagued Mankind ever since. So what now? Awfully the Western Supremacy Bubble is no exception.Masses generally get caught by the Empires’ web of deceits because of the Empire always goes first through an apogee and its temporary but awesome benefits. Selling “the” empire is actually a very easy task therefore: all what is needed is irrational exuberance - just think of the stock market. Then follows the tipping point caused by an ever growing power whose lies have become exponential. It is also found out that Empires are financially not sustainable. Eventually cracks start to appear and masses end up holding the bag and get whacked in the worst case scenario. Empires have always been marketed to the gullible people as sustainable formulas. All is a matter of perception and giving the sense that today "they" know better: “this time will be different”.
That’s right, this time is truly different! Is the rise of a Global Dictatorship truly different? If you really think that Hitler was dead, how is it possible that our Western economic policies unnecessarily kill 7 million people yearly in the developing world and that this very genocide has been going on for at least 30 years as reported by John Perkins? To be fair many (in the so-called rich world) view the system as imperfect but as long as the majority seems to cope, the same folks choose apathy over action. Why bother: “If the PTB are seemingly kind with us, they wouldn’t burden us with so many debts, would they? So the problem must be elsewhere. If so how does one explain that U.S. has about $80 trillion in future entitlement promises -- unfunded liabilities -- about six times larger than the whole economy? This is not about bashing America; similar trends are observable in every so-called wealthy areas of the globe.
Indeed. Why bother if the same elites have the habit to finance the two sides of any conflict, the loser supplied with food and drugs and the strongest with artillery… why bother with objectivity and dissent: the policy of “see and speak no evil” facilitates greatly social contacts between successful and beautiful people… Why the heck bother if everybody “does it” anyway. Why bother if taxation is one of the most powerful weapons available to the PTB as means of transferring wealth in favor of their rich pals, closest cheerleaders and punishing their nemeses. Why bother trying to root the corruption out of the markets because if we did everything would collapse over night… Indeed why bother: a slow decay that is obviously preferable over instant chaos – let the next generation deal with it! Now let’s be clear: thinking that the next generation will and/or should fix things is a sign of moral bankruptcy, which condones social disruptions. Getting away with a lie done to a pal or a relative is a lot much easier than lying to a whole nation. Yet John and Jane Doe are convinced that wars will always exist; sadly because they are among those avoiding their own responsibilities and unwilling to voice their concerns out about the system failures openly. They have no (sorry, damn) clue as how political lies impact their lives whatsoever. As long as their existences can continue the way they see it fit… One thing is more than certain though: some day war will become obsolete one way or another, either because every nation will have a “red button” to make the planet explode and will use it as a deterrent or just because the threat will have been implemented and that Earth will have ceased to exist. Do we have to reach that breaking point to grasp the delusional meaning of war and thirst for power? That this idea is no freakin’ utopia in some Lalaland?
Nowadays there are a bunch of people who willingly work two and even three jobs because a government theft (named “inflation and taxation”) deteriorate their purchasing power and that they have to sustain their lifestyle. Scaling back on their spending habits is not an option for them, nor do they ask themselves why their purchasing power has vanished over the time. Fifty years ago, one middle class salary was enough to pay the expenses of a family of 4 and even 5. Now both, the mother and the father, must work 40 hours weekly and live from paycheck to paycheck and their savings rate is negative. If they want more, at least one of them must have a second job. Let’s be realistic, this is called economic serfdom. This is why a sound monetary system is necessary. It is very dangerous to have a monetary system with a currency that is only worth “our” confidence. How “confident” exactly are you that your neighbor can pile on debt to feed “our debt based-vulture capitalism”? Can’t you smell a rat?
Then there is a category of human beings who engage in certain behaviors even when knowing the important risks associated with them. Thinking that it is “their” problem after all, where is the catch would you ask?Let’s summarize the big picture: since planning has always been the governments’ mouthpiece those very behaviors work in a way to destabilize what was planned insidiously and thus set in motion the next crisis. In short it is called “shooting oneself in the foot”, something the PTB has grasped and learned to use at their advantages. So there you have it: the PTB just need to come up with brilliant ideas to get voters but know that in the long run everything they promise is... doomed.
From weird to weirder: from what I heard on the radio in the last 2 weeks, in China submitting the government family's funeral expenses is now a law while in America now 80% of the population living in hurricane areas does not take insurance policies anymore but expects the government (taxpayers) to finance their new homes. The similarities here consist in the governments’ omnipotence. In China it is imposed. In America people ask for it. The result is alas the same.
As a matter of fact, the more knowledge the more power over the others. Power wants you to remain as ignorant and stupid as possible. Without this axiom, the rulers cannot claim to have the solutions - to the problems they foster themselves because the use of coercion and force is unethical.
There is no such a thing as enforcing good actions. So how logical is the idea to ask the elites to protect our interests? Moreover there is less than 5% of the population that are truly in control, the rest (especially the upper and middle classes) think they are but too nurture delusions. My advice: let’s wait for the housing crash and the ensuing witch-hunts. Sure the most distressing will be for the little guys who are going to be left holding the bag. It's gonna be staunchy and dirty, worst that the Savings & Loans Crisis! Reality is just too painful for many to endure: imagine Angelina Jolie and her brave UN endeavors while that very infamous organization has a record of more than 40 years of failure, works with loan shark providers such as the IMF and the WB, shelters firms that have links to the military industrial complex and can’t even help prevent genocides.
Wait, it gets even nastier. On the other hand centralization of power does not and cannot respect the effect called “time preference”: what suits an individual may not for another in the same time frame period. This is why the system will never be regulated enough. At some point too many regulations will exacerbate the collusion or plots between the system-cheaters, especially for those being on top: laws will end up being drafted in their favor because they actually own the high-powered food chain represented by our politicians, media and the military industrial complex. “Deregulations” will always be uncovered because the elites make the rules for themselves; they wouldn’t be the elites otherwise.
In the broad sense today the world system is being threatened with too many regulations and because truth is hidden from the people who have no idea about what reality truly is.Reforms simply mean new regulations that will be proven useless or unworkable after a while. But of course "reforms" are excellent tactics to get votes in due time. Based on 6,000 years of history, centralization has failed to achieve its goal and the repeated wars and financial meltdowns have proven this. Supporters of centralized planning behave like junkies that do not want to recognize the property rights based on absolute ownership and human sovereignty which is a concept that places the individuals before the “group” are the only weapons to end any form of cartelization. Corporatism today is no more less than keeping corporations on welfare with our tax-money. Lions and zebras do not sleep together, do they?
Though it is interesting to notice that the lions eat once weekly and that fat animals don’t exist in the wilderness!In economic term "fatness" translates into “super wealth”. Up to this day “being filthy rich” implies that unethical deeds have helped accumulate assets. And this regardless of the awareness of the so-called Wealthy themselves since many end up being duped by the system too. Take the U.S housing boom for example, and which could not have come alive without “all kinds of exotic loans, a technique called house flipping, reckless speculative schemes, etc”. Yet masses have always praised signs of wealth, generating envy and the will to join the ranks of the powerful. There are so many rewards to be obtained from our monopolies, they think. Please bear in mind: Mogul Donald Trump has fooled bank shareholders by filing twice for bankruptcy. Bill Gates couldn’t have made it if he hadn’t gotten mega loans to takeover the planet, which helped him defeat “natural” competitors. Right now, every man and woman rich enough to afford a "personal wealth manager" is guilty of participating in the legal plunder of natural resources and polluting the planet for the sake of pure profit, using a mega pyramid-scheme called the stock market.
People engaging in risky behaviors generally do so because “time is money”. But as I stated earlier (in Part 1) the path of the least resistance is too often lethal for the participants themselves or the others when the risk can be shifted. Well, risks are always shifted unwillingly or not. Every unethical deed has a Karma, must be paid by either the family, the neighborhood or the planet, depending on its scale. Instead of blaming irrationality maybe is it about time to adjust our train of thoughts here again. Irrationality per se does not exist. What some call irrationality is rational for others, it just depends on hard data and parameters being used. Only knowledge defines the (ir)rationality factor. Mental illness aside, if you perceive somebody or a group of people as irrational and thus not dangerous based on the assumption that you know better, you’d better watch out. What I mean here is that the 5% of the population who obviously know much better is far less dangerous than the 80% of ignorants. Still banking on Armageddon?
(PS: the 15% able to grasp the big picture are shaking their heads in disbelief and pray for the Four Horsemen to spare them)
The good people of the world need to be awakened to the fact that they've been sold into financial slavery. Only when they can see the truth behind the corporate and banking thieves do they have a chance at remedy. As long as most people continue to pledge allegience to their "kings and queens", they will suffer underneath tyranny.
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